
--- description: Guidelines for writing Next.js apps with tRPC globs: "**/*.ts, **/*.tsx, **/*.js, **/*.jsx" --- ## Overview [tRPC]( enables end-to-end typesafe APIs, allowing you to build and consume APIs without schemas, code generation, or runtime errors. These rules will help you follow best practices for tRPC v11. ## Project Structure For a clean tRPC setup, follow this recommended structure: ``` . ├── src │ ├── pages │ │ ├── _app.tsx # add `createTRPCNext` setup here │ │ ├── api │ │ │ └── trpc │ │ │ └── [trpc].ts # tRPC HTTP handler │ │ ├── server │ │ │ ├── routers │ │ │ │ ├── _app.ts # main app router │ │ │ │ ├── [feature].ts # feature-specific routers │ │ │ │ └── [...] │ │ │ ├── context.ts # create app context │ │ │ └── trpc.ts # procedure helpers │ │ └── utils │ │ └── trpc.ts # typesafe tRPC hooks ``` ## Server-Side Setup ### Initialize tRPC Backend ```typescript // server/trpc.ts import { initTRPC } from '@trpc/server'; // Initialize tRPC backend (should be done once per backend) const t = initTRPC.create(); // Export reusable router and procedure helpers export const router = t.router; export const publicProcedure = t.procedure; ``` ### Create Router ```typescript // server/routers/_app.ts import { z } from 'zod'; import { router, publicProcedure } from '../trpc'; export const appRouter = router({ // Your procedures here greeting: publicProcedure .input(z.object({ name: z.string() })) .query(({ input }) => { return `Hello ${}`; }), }); // Export type definition of API (not the router itself!) export type AppRouter = typeof appRouter; ``` ## Client-Side Setup ### Next.js Integration ```typescript // utils/trpc.ts import { httpBatchLink } from '@trpc/client'; import { createTRPCNext } from '@trpc/next'; import type { AppRouter } from '../server/routers/_app'; function getBaseUrl() { if (typeof window !== 'undefined') return ''; // browser should use relative path if (process.env.VERCEL_URL) return `https://${process.env.VERCEL_URL}`; // SSR should use vercel url return `http://localhost:${process.env.PORT ?? 3000}`; // dev SSR should use localhost } export const trpc = createTRPCNext<AppRouter>({ config() { return { links: [ httpBatchLink({ url: `${getBaseUrl()}/api/trpc`, // Include auth headers when needed async headers() { return { // authorization: getAuthCookie(), }; }, }), ], }; }, ssr: false, // Set to true if you want to use server-side rendering }); ``` ## Best Practices 1. **Use Zod for Input Validation**: Always validate procedure inputs with Zod for better type safety and runtime validation. ```typescript import { z } from 'zod'; procedure .input(z.object({ id: z.string().uuid(), email: z.string().email(), age: z.number().min(18) })) .mutation(({ input }) => { /* your code */ }) ``` 2. **Organize Routers by Feature**: Split your routers into logical domains/features rather than having one large router. ```typescript // server/routers/user.ts export const userRouter = router({ list: publicProcedure.query(() => { /* ... */ }), byId: publicProcedure.input(z.string()).query(({ input }) => { /* ... */ }), create: publicProcedure.input(/* ... */).mutation(({ input }) => { /* ... */ }), }); // server/routers/_app.ts import { userRouter } from './user'; import { postRouter } from './post'; export const appRouter = router({ user: userRouter, post: postRouter, }); ``` 3. **Use Middleware for Common Logic**: Apply middleware for authentication, logging, or other cross-cutting concerns. ```typescript const isAuthed = t.middleware(({ next, ctx }) => { if (!ctx.user) { throw new TRPCError({ code: 'UNAUTHORIZED' }); } return next({ ctx: { // Add user information to context user: ctx.user, }, }); }); const protectedProcedure = t.procedure.use(isAuthed); ``` 4. **Use Proper Error Handling**: Utilize tRPC's error handling for consistent error responses. ```typescript import { TRPCError } from '@trpc/server'; publicProcedure .input(z.string()) .query(({ input }) => { const user = getUserById(input); if (!user) { throw new TRPCError({ code: 'NOT_FOUND', message: `User with id ${input} not found`, }); } return user; }); ``` 5. **Use Data Transformers**: Use SuperJSON for automatic handling of dates, Maps, Sets, etc. ```typescript import { initTRPC } from '@trpc/server'; import superjson from 'superjson'; const t = initTRPC.create({ transformer: superjson, }); ``` 6. **Leverage React Query Integration**: For React projects, use tRPC's React Query utilities for data fetching, mutations, and caching. ```tsx function UserProfile({ userId }: { userId: string }) { const { data, isLoading, error } = trpc.user.byId.useQuery(userId); if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>; if (error) return <div>Error: {error.message}</div>; return <div>{}</div>; } ``` 7. **Context Creation**: Create a proper context object to share resources across procedures. ```typescript // server/context.ts import { inferAsyncReturnType } from '@trpc/server'; import * as trpcNext from '@trpc/server/adapters/next'; import { prisma } from './prisma'; export async function createContext({ req, res, }: trpcNext.CreateNextContextOptions) { const user = await getUser(req); return { req, res, prisma, user, }; } export type Context = inferAsyncReturnType<typeof createContext>; ``` 8. **Type Exports**: Only export types, not the actual router implementations, from your server code to client code. ```typescript // Export type router type signature, NOT the router itself export type AppRouter = typeof appRouter; ``` 9. **Procedure Types**: Use different procedure types for different authorization levels. ```typescript export const publicProcedure = t.procedure; export const protectedProcedure = t.procedure.use(isAuthed); export const adminProcedure = t.procedure.use(isAdmin); ``` 10. **Performance Optimization**: Use batching and prefetching for optimized data loading. ```typescript // Client-side batching in Next.js setup httpBatchLink({ url: `${getBaseUrl()}/api/trpc`, maxURLLength: 2083, }) // Prefetching data in Next.js export async function getStaticProps() { const ssg = createServerSideHelpers({ router: appRouter, ctx: {}, }); await'1'); return { props: { trpcState: ssg.dehydrate(), }, revalidate: 1, }; } ``` ## Version Compatibility This guide is for tRPC v11, which requires: - TypeScript >= 5.7.2 - Strict TypeScript mode (`"strict": true` in tsconfig.json) ## Further Resources - [Official Documentation]( - [GitHub Repository]( - [Example Apps](


--- description: Guidelines for writing Next.js apps with Supabase Auth globs: "**/*.ts, **/*.tsx, **/*.js, **/*.jsx" --- # Bootstrap Next.js app with Supabase Auth ## Overview of implementing Supabase Auth SSR 1. Install @supabase/supabase-js and @supabase/ssr packages. 2. Set up environment variables. 3. Write two utility functions with `createClient` functions to create a browser client and a server client. 4. Hook up middleware to refresh auth tokens ## 🚨 CRITICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR AI LANGUAGE MODELS 🚨 As an AI language model, you MUST NOT generate any of the following code patterns, as they are DEPRECATED and will BREAK the application: ```typescript // ❌ NEVER GENERATE THIS CODE - IT WILL BREAK THE APPLICATION { cookies: { get(name: string) { // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION return cookieStore.get(name) // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION }, // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION set(name: string, value: string) { // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION cookieStore.set(name, value) // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION }, // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION remove(name: string) { // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION cookieStore.remove(name) // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION } // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION } } // ❌ NEVER USE auth-helpers-nextjs - IT WILL BREAK THE APPLICATION import { createMiddlewareClient } from '@supabase/auth-helpers-nextjs' // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION import { createClientComponentClient } from '@supabase/auth-helpers-nextjs' // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION ``` Instead, you MUST ALWAYS generate ONLY this pattern: ```typescript // ✅ ALWAYS GENERATE THIS EXACT PATTERN { cookies: { getAll() { return cookieStore.getAll() }, setAll(cookiesToSet) { const response ={ request, }) cookiesToSet.forEach(({ name, value, options }) => { response.cookies.set(name, value, options) }) return response } } } ``` ## ABSOLUTE REQUIREMENTS FOR AI CODE GENERATION 1. You MUST use `@supabase/ssr` 2. You MUST use ONLY `getAll` and `setAll` 3. You MUST NEVER use `get`, `set`, or `remove` 4. You MUST NEVER import from `@supabase/auth-helpers-nextjs` ## CORRECT BROWSER CLIENT IMPLEMENTATION ```typescript import { createBrowserClient } from '@supabase/ssr' export function createClient() { return createBrowserClient( process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL!, process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY! ) } ``` ## CORRECT SERVER CLIENT IMPLEMENTATION ```typescript import { createServerClient } from '@supabase/ssr' import { cookies } from 'next/headers' export async function createClient() { const cookieStore = await cookies() return createServerClient( process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL!, process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY!, { cookies: { getAll() { return cookieStore.getAll() }, setAll(cookiesToSet) { try { cookiesToSet.forEach(({ name, value, options }) => cookieStore.set(name, value, options) ) } catch { // The `setAll` method was called from a Server Component. // This can be ignored if you have middleware refreshing // user sessions. } }, }, } ) } ``` ## CORRECT MIDDLEWARE IMPLEMENTATION ```typescript import { createServerClient } from '@supabase/ssr' import { NextResponse, type NextRequest } from 'next/server' export async function middleware(request: NextRequest) { let supabaseResponse ={ request, }) const supabase = createServerClient( process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL!, process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY!, { cookies: { getAll() { return request.cookies.getAll() }, setAll(cookiesToSet) { cookiesToSet.forEach(({ name, value, options }) => request.cookies.set(name, value)) supabaseResponse ={ request, }) cookiesToSet.forEach(({ name, value, options }) => supabaseResponse.cookies.set(name, value, options) ) }, }, } ) // Do not run code between createServerClient and // supabase.auth.getUser(). A simple mistake could make it very hard to debug // issues with users being randomly logged out. // IMPORTANT: DO NOT REMOVE auth.getUser() const { data: { user }, } = await supabase.auth.getUser() if ( !user && !request.nextUrl.pathname.startsWith('/login') && !request.nextUrl.pathname.startsWith('/auth') ) { // no user, potentially respond by redirecting the user to the login page const url = request.nextUrl.clone() url.pathname = '/login' return NextResponse.redirect(url) } // IMPORTANT: You *must* return the supabaseResponse object as it is. // If you're creating a new response object with make sure to: // 1. Pass the request in it, like so: // const myNewResponse ={ request }) // 2. Copy over the cookies, like so: // myNewResponse.cookies.setAll(supabaseResponse.cookies.getAll()) // 3. Change the myNewResponse object to fit your needs, but avoid changing // the cookies! // 4. Finally: // return myNewResponse // If this is not done, you may be causing the browser and server to go out // of sync and terminate the user's session prematurely! return supabaseResponse } export const config = { matcher: [ /* * Match all request paths except for the ones starting with: * - _next/static (static files) * - _next/image (image optimization files) * - favicon.ico (favicon file) * Feel free to modify this pattern to include more paths. */ '/((?!_next/static|_next/image|favicon.ico|.*\\.(?:svg|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|webp)$).*)', ], } ``` ## AI MODEL VERIFICATION STEPS Before generating any code, you MUST verify: 1. Are you using ONLY `getAll` and `setAll`? If not, STOP and FIX. 2. Are you importing from `@supabase/ssr`? If not, STOP and FIX. 3. Do you see ANY instance of `get`, `set`, or `remove`? If yes, STOP and FIX. 4. Are you importing from `auth-helpers-nextjs`? If yes, STOP and FIX. ## CONSEQUENCES OF INCORRECT IMPLEMENTATION If you generate code using: - Individual cookie methods (`get`/`set`/`remove`) - `auth-helpers-nextjs` package The implementation will: 1. Break in production 2. Fail to maintain session state 3. Cause authentication loops 4. Result in security vulnerabilities ## AI MODEL RESPONSE TEMPLATE When asked about Supabase Auth SSR implementation, you MUST: 1. ONLY use code from this guide 2. NEVER suggest deprecated approaches 3. ALWAYS use the exact cookie handling shown above 4. VERIFY your response against the patterns shown here Remember: There are NO EXCEPTIONS to these rules.


--- description: Guidelines for writing tasks globs: "**/trigger/**/*.ts, **/trigger/**/*.tsx" --- # How to write tasks ## Overview of writing a task 1. Run the CLI `init` command: `npx init`. 2. Create a task. 3. Set up environment variables. 4. Run the command: `npx dev`. ## 🚨 CRITICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR AI LANGUAGE MODELS 🚨 As an AI language model, you MUST NOT generate any of the following code patterns, as they are DEPRECATED and will BREAK the application: ```typescript // ❌ NEVER GENERATE THIS CODE - IT WILL BREAK THE APPLICATION client.defineJob({ // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION id: "job-id", // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION name: "job-name", // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION version: "0.0.1", // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION trigger: eventTrigger({ // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION name: "job.trigger", // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION schema: z.object({ // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION // Input schema here // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION }), // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION }), // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION integrations: { // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION // Integrations here // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION }, // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION run: async (payload, io) => { // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION // Job logic goes here // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION return { // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION // Return job results // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION }; // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION }, // ❌ BREAKS APPLICATION }); ``` Instead, you MUST ALWAYS generate ONLY this pattern: ```typescript // ✅ ALWAYS GENERATE THIS EXACT PATTERN import { task } from ""; //1. You need to export each task, even if it's a subtask export const helloWorld = task({ //2. Use a unique id for each task id: "hello-world", //3. The run function is the main function of the task run: async (payload: { message: string }) => { //4. Write your task code here. Code here runs for a long time, there are no timeouts }, }); ``` ## ABSOLUTE REQUIREMENTS FOR AI CODE GENERATION 1. You MUST use `` 2. You MUST NEVER use `client.defineJob` 3. YOU MUST `export` every task, including subtasks 4. If you are able to generate an example payload for a task, do so. ## Correct Task implementations A task is a function that can run for a long time with resilience to failure: ```typescript import { task } from ""; export const helloWorld = task({ id: "hello-world", run: async (payload: { message: string }) => { console.log(payload.message); }, }); ``` Key points: - Tasks must be exported, even subtasks in the same file - Each task needs a unique ID within your project - The `run` function contains your task logic ### Task configuration options #### Retry options Control retry behavior when errors occur: ```typescript export const taskWithRetries = task({ id: "task-with-retries", retry: { maxAttempts: 10, factor: 1.8, minTimeoutInMs: 500, maxTimeoutInMs: 30_000, randomize: false, }, run: async (payload) => { // Task logic }, }); ``` #### Queue options Control concurrency: ```typescript export const oneAtATime = task({ id: "one-at-a-time", queue: { concurrencyLimit: 1, }, run: async (payload) => { // Task logic }, }); ``` #### Machine options Specify CPU/RAM requirements: ```typescript export const heavyTask = task({ id: "heavy-task", machine: { preset: "large-1x", // 4 vCPU, 8 GB RAM }, run: async (payload) => { // Task logic }, }); ``` Machine configuration options: | Machine name | vCPU | Memory | Disk space | | ------------------- | ---- | ------ | ---------- | | micro | 0.25 | 0.25 | 10GB | | small-1x (default) | 0.5 | 0.5 | 10GB | | small-2x | 1 | 1 | 10GB | | medium-1x | 1 | 2 | 10GB | | medium-2x | 2 | 4 | 10GB | | large-1x | 4 | 8 | 10GB | | large-2x | 8 | 16 | 10GB | #### Max Duration Limit how long a task can run: ```typescript export const longTask = task({ id: "long-task", maxDuration: 300, // 5 minutes run: async (payload) => { // Task logic }, }); ``` ### Lifecycle functions Tasks support several lifecycle hooks: #### init Runs before each attempt, can return data for other functions: ```typescript export const taskWithInit = task({ id: "task-with-init", init: async (payload, { ctx }) => { return { someData: "someValue" }; }, run: async (payload, { ctx, init }) => { console.log(init.someData); // "someValue" }, }); ``` #### cleanup Runs after each attempt, regardless of success/failure: ```typescript export const taskWithCleanup = task({ id: "task-with-cleanup", cleanup: async (payload, { ctx }) => { // Cleanup resources }, run: async (payload, { ctx }) => { // Task logic }, }); ``` #### onStart Runs once when a task starts (not on retries): ```typescript export const taskWithOnStart = task({ id: "task-with-on-start", onStart: async (payload, { ctx }) => { // Send notification, log, etc. }, run: async (payload, { ctx }) => { // Task logic }, }); ``` #### onSuccess Runs when a task succeeds: ```typescript export const taskWithOnSuccess = task({ id: "task-with-on-success", onSuccess: async (payload, output, { ctx }) => { // Handle success }, run: async (payload, { ctx }) => { // Task logic }, }); ``` #### onFailure Runs when a task fails after all retries: ```typescript export const taskWithOnFailure = task({ id: "task-with-on-failure", onFailure: async (payload, error, { ctx }) => { // Handle failure }, run: async (payload, { ctx }) => { // Task logic }, }); ``` #### handleError Controls error handling and retry behavior: ```typescript export const taskWithErrorHandling = task({ id: "task-with-error-handling", handleError: async (error, { ctx }) => { // Custom error handling }, run: async (payload, { ctx }) => { // Task logic }, }); ``` Global lifecycle hooks can also be defined in `trigger.config.ts` to apply to all tasks. ## Correct Schedules task (cron) implementations ```typescript import { schedules } from ""; export const firstScheduledTask = schedules.task({ id: "first-scheduled-task", run: async (payload) => { //when the task was scheduled to run //note this will be slightly different from new Date() because it takes a few ms to run the task console.log(payload.timestamp); //is a Date object //when the task was last run //this can be undefined if it's never been run console.log(payload.lastTimestamp); //is a Date object or undefined //the timezone the schedule was registered with, defaults to "UTC" //this is in IANA format, e.g. "America/New_York" //See the full list here: console.log(payload.timezone); //is a string //If you want to output the time in the user's timezone do this: const formatted = payload.timestamp.toLocaleString("en-US", { timeZone: payload.timezone, }); //the schedule id (you can have many schedules for the same task) //using this you can remove the schedule, update it, etc console.log(payload.scheduleId); //is a string //you can optionally provide an external id when creating the schedule //usually you would set this to a userId or some other unique identifier //this can be undefined if you didn't provide one console.log(payload.externalId); //is a string or undefined //the next 5 dates this task is scheduled to run console.log(payload.upcoming); //is an array of Date objects }, }); ``` ### Attach a Declarative schedule ```typescript import { schedules } from ""; // Sepcify a cron pattern (UTC) export const firstScheduledTask = schedules.task({ id: "first-scheduled-task", //every two hours (UTC timezone) cron: "0 */2 * * *", run: async (payload, { ctx }) => { //do something }, }); ``` ```typescript import { schedules } from ""; // Specify a specific timezone like this: export const secondScheduledTask = schedules.task({ id: "second-scheduled-task", cron: { //5am every day Tokyo time pattern: "0 5 * * *", timezone: "Asia/Tokyo", }, run: async (payload) => {}, }); ``` ### Attach an Imperative schedule Create schedules explicitly for tasks using the dashboard's "New schedule" button or the SDK. #### Benefits - Dynamic creation (e.g., one schedule per user) - Manage without code deployment: - Activate/disable - Edit - Delete #### Implementation 1. Define a task using `⁠schedules.task()` 2. Attach one or more schedules via: - Dashboard - SDK #### Attach schedules with the SDK like this ```typescript const createdSchedule = await schedules.create({ //The id of the scheduled task you want to attach to. task:, //The schedule in cron format. cron: "0 0 * * *", //this is required, it prevents you from creating duplicate schedules. It will update the schedule if it already exists. deduplicationKey: "my-deduplication-key", }); ``` ## Correct Schema task implementations Schema tasks validate payloads against a schema before execution: ```typescript import { schemaTask } from ""; import { z } from "zod"; const myTask = schemaTask({ id: "my-task", schema: z.object({ name: z.string(), age: z.number(), }), run: async (payload) => { // Payload is typed and validated console.log(, payload.age); }, }); ``` ## Correct implementations for triggering a task from your backend When you trigger a task from your backend code, you need to set the `TRIGGER_SECRET_KEY` environment variable. You can find the value on the API keys page in the dashboard. ### tasks.trigger() Triggers a single run of a task with specified payload and options without importing the task. Use type-only imports for full type checking. ```typescript import { tasks } from ""; import type { emailSequence } from "~/trigger/emails"; export async function POST(request: Request) { const data = await request.json(); const handle = await tasks.trigger<typeof emailSequence>("email-sequence", { to:, name:, }); return Response.json(handle); } ``` ### tasks.batchTrigger() Triggers multiple runs of a single task with different payloads without importing the task. ```typescript import { tasks } from ""; import type { emailSequence } from "~/trigger/emails"; export async function POST(request: Request) { const data = await request.json(); const batchHandle = await tasks.batchTrigger<typeof emailSequence>( "email-sequence", => ({ payload: { to:, name: } })) ); return Response.json(batchHandle); } ``` ### tasks.triggerAndPoll() Triggers a task and polls until completion. Not recommended for web requests as it blocks until the run completes. Consider using Realtime docs for better alternatives. ```typescript import { tasks } from ""; import type { emailSequence } from "~/trigger/emails"; export async function POST(request: Request) { const data = await request.json(); const result = await tasks.triggerAndPoll<typeof emailSequence>( "email-sequence", { to:, name:, }, { pollIntervalMs: 5000 } ); return Response.json(result); } ``` ### batch.trigger() Triggers multiple runs of different tasks at once, useful when you need to execute multiple tasks simultaneously. ```typescript import { batch } from ""; import type { myTask1, myTask2 } from "~/trigger/myTasks"; export async function POST(request: Request) { const data = await request.json(); const result = await batch.trigger<typeof myTask1 | typeof myTask2>([ { id: "my-task-1", payload: { some: data.some } }, { id: "my-task-2", payload: { other: data.other } }, ]); return Response.json(result); } ``` ## Correct implementations for triggering a task from inside another task ### yourTask.trigger() Triggers a single run of a task with specified payload and options. ```typescript import { myOtherTask, runs } from "~/trigger/my-other-task"; export const myTask = task({ id: "my-task", run: async (payload: string) => { const handle = await myOtherTask.trigger({ foo: "some data" }); const run = await runs.retrieve(handle); // Do something with the run }, }); ``` If you need to call `trigger()` on a task in a loop, use `batchTrigger()` instead which can trigger up to 500 runs in a single call. ### yourTask.batchTrigger() Triggers multiple runs of a single task with different payloads. ```typescript import { myOtherTask, batch } from "~/trigger/my-other-task"; export const myTask = task({ id: "my-task", run: async (payload: string) => { const batchHandle = await myOtherTask.batchTrigger([{ payload: "some data" }]); // other stuff const batch = await batch.retrieve(; }, }); ``` ### yourTask.triggerAndWait() Triggers a task and waits for the result, useful when you need to call a different task and use its result. ```typescript export const parentTask = task({ id: "parent-task", run: async (payload: string) => { const result = await childTask.triggerAndWait("some-data"); console.log("Result", result); // stuff with the result }, }); ``` The result object needs to be checked to see if the child task run was successful. You can also use the `unwrap` method to get the output directly or handle errors with `SubtaskUnwrapError`. This method should only be used inside a task. ### yourTask.batchTriggerAndWait() Batch triggers a task and waits for all results, useful for fan-out patterns. ```typescript export const batchParentTask = task({ id: "parent-task", run: async (payload: string) => { const results = await childTask.batchTriggerAndWait([ { payload: "item4" }, { payload: "item5" }, { payload: "item6" }, ]); console.log("Results", results); // stuff with the result }, }); ``` You can handle run failures by inspecting individual run results and implementing custom error handling strategies. This method should only be used inside a task. ### batch.triggerAndWait() Batch triggers multiple different tasks and waits for all results. ```typescript export const parentTask = task({ id: "parent-task", run: async (payload: string) => { const results = await batch.triggerAndWait<typeof childTask1 | typeof childTask2>([ { id: "child-task-1", payload: { foo: "World" } }, { id: "child-task-2", payload: { bar: 42 } }, ]); for (const result of results) { if (result.ok) { switch (result.taskIdentifier) { case "child-task-1": console.log("Child task 1 output", result.output); break; case "child-task-2": console.log("Child task 2 output", result.output); break; } } } }, }); ``` ### batch.triggerByTask() Batch triggers multiple tasks by passing task instances, useful for static task sets. ```typescript export const parentTask = task({ id: "parent-task", run: async (payload: string) => { const results = await batch.triggerByTask([ { task: childTask1, payload: { foo: "World" } }, { task: childTask2, payload: { bar: 42 } }, ]); const run1 = await runs.retrieve(results.runs[0]); const run2 = await runs.retrieve(results.runs[1]); }, }); ``` ### batch.triggerByTaskAndWait() Batch triggers multiple tasks by passing task instances and waits for all results. ```typescript export const parentTask = task({ id: "parent-task", run: async (payload: string) => { const { runs } = await batch.triggerByTaskAndWait([ { task: childTask1, payload: { foo: "World" } }, { task: childTask2, payload: { bar: 42 } }, ]); if (runs[0].ok) { console.log("Child task 1 output", runs[0].output); } if (runs[1].ok) { console.log("Child task 2 output", runs[1].output); } }, }); ``` ## Correct Metadata implementation ### Overview Metadata allows attaching up to 256KB of structured data to a run, which can be accessed during execution, via API, Realtime, and in the dashboard. Useful for storing user information, tracking progress, or saving intermediate results. ### Basic Usage Add metadata when triggering a task: ```typescript const handle = await myTask.trigger( { message: "hello world" }, { metadata: { user: { name: "Eric", id: "user_1234" } } } ); ``` Access metadata inside a run: ```typescript import { task, metadata } from ""; export const myTask = task({ id: "my-task", run: async (payload: { message: string }) => { // Get the whole metadata object const currentMetadata = metadata.current(); // Get a specific key const user = metadata.get("user"); console.log(; // "Eric" }, }); ``` ### Update methods Metadata can be updated as the run progresses: - **set**: `metadata.set("progress", 0.5)` - **del**: `metadata.del("progress")` - **replace**: `metadata.replace({ user: { name: "Eric" } })` - **append**: `metadata.append("logs", "Step 1 complete")` - **remove**: `metadata.remove("logs", "Step 1 complete")` - **increment**: `metadata.increment("progress", 0.4)` - **decrement**: `metadata.decrement("progress", 0.4)` - **stream**: `await"logs", readableStream)` - **flush**: `await metadata.flush()` Updates can be chained with a fluent API: ```typescript metadata.set("progress", 0.1) .append("logs", "Step 1 complete") .increment("progress", 0.4); ``` ### Parent & root updates Child tasks can update parent task metadata: ```typescript export const childTask = task({ id: "child-task", run: async (payload: { message: string }) => { // Update parent task's metadata metadata.parent.set("progress", 0.5); // Update root task's metadata metadata.root.set("status", "processing"); }, }); ``` ### Type safety Metadata accepts any JSON-serializable object. For type safety, consider wrapping with Zod: ```typescript import { z } from "zod"; const Metadata = z.object({ user: z.object({ name: z.string(), id: z.string(), }), date:, }); function getMetadata() { return Metadata.parse(metadata.current()); } ``` ### Important notes - Metadata methods only work inside run functions or task lifecycle hooks - Metadata is NOT automatically propagated to child tasks - Maximum size is 256KB (configurable if self-hosting) - Objects like Dates are serialized to strings and must be deserialized when retrieved ## Correct Realtime implementation ### Overview Realtime enables subscribing to runs for real-time updates on run status, useful for monitoring tasks, updating UIs, and building realtime dashboards. It's built on Electric SQL, a PostgreSQL syncing engine. ### Basic usage Subscribe to a run after triggering a task: ```typescript import { runs, tasks } from ""; async function myBackend() { const handle = await tasks.trigger("my-task", { some: "data" }); for await (const run of runs.subscribeToRun( { console.log(run); // Logs the run every time it changes } } ``` ### Subscription methods - **subscribeToRun**: Subscribe to changes for a specific run - **subscribeToRunsWithTag**: Subscribe to changes for all runs with a specific tag - **subscribeToBatch**: Subscribe to changes for all runs in a batch ### Type safety You can infer types of run's payload and output by passing the task type: ```typescript import { runs } from ""; import type { myTask } from "./trigger/my-task"; for await (const run of runs.subscribeToRun<typeof myTask>( { console.log(run.payload.some); // Type-safe access to payload if (run.output) { console.log(run.output.result); // Type-safe access to output } } ``` ### Realtime Streams Stream data in realtime from inside your tasks using the metadata system: ```typescript import { task, metadata } from ""; import OpenAI from "openai"; export type STREAMS = { openai: OpenAI.ChatCompletionChunk; }; export const myTask = task({ id: "my-task", run: async (payload: { prompt: string }) => { const completion = await{ messages: [{ role: "user", content: payload.prompt }], model: "gpt-3.5-turbo", stream: true, }); // Register the stream with the key "openai" const stream = await"openai", completion); let text = ""; for await (const chunk of stream) { text += =>""); } return { text }; }, }); ``` Subscribe to streams using `withStreams`: ```typescript for await (const part of runs.subscribeToRun<typeof myTask>(runId).withStreams<STREAMS>()) { switch (part.type) { case "run": { console.log("Received run",; break; } case "openai": { console.log("Received OpenAI chunk", part.chunk); break; } } } ``` ## Realtime hooks ### Installation ```bash npm add ``` ### Authentication All hooks require a Public Access Token. You can provide it directly to each hook: ```typescriptx import { useRealtimeRun } from ""; function MyComponent({ runId, publicAccessToken }) { const { run, error } = useRealtimeRun(runId, { accessToken: publicAccessToken, baseURL: "", // Optional for self-hosting }); } ``` Or use the `TriggerAuthContext` provider: ```typescriptx import { TriggerAuthContext } from ""; function SetupTrigger({ publicAccessToken }) { return ( <TriggerAuthContext.Provider value={{ accessToken: publicAccessToken }}> <MyComponent /> </TriggerAuthContext.Provider> ); } ``` For Next.js App Router, wrap the provider in a client component: ```typescriptx // components/TriggerProvider.tsx "use client"; import { TriggerAuthContext } from ""; export function TriggerProvider({ accessToken, children }) { return ( <TriggerAuthContext.Provider value={{ accessToken }}> {children} </TriggerAuthContext.Provider> ); } ``` ### Passing tokens to the frontend Several approaches for Next.js App Router: 1. **Using cookies**: ```typescriptx // Server action export async function startRun() { const handle = await tasks.trigger<typeof exampleTask>("example", { foo: "bar" }); cookies().set("publicAccessToken", handle.publicAccessToken); redirect(`/runs/${}`); } // Page component export default function RunPage({ params }) { const publicAccessToken = cookies().get("publicAccessToken"); return ( <TriggerProvider accessToken={publicAccessToken}> <RunDetails id={} /> </TriggerProvider> ); } ``` 2. **Using query parameters**: ```typescriptx // Server action export async function startRun() { const handle = await tasks.trigger<typeof exampleTask>("example", { foo: "bar" }); redirect(`/runs/${}?publicAccessToken=${handle.publicAccessToken}`); } ``` 3. **Server-side token generation**: ```typescriptx // Page component export default async function RunPage({ params }) { const publicAccessToken = await generatePublicAccessToken(; return ( <TriggerProvider accessToken={publicAccessToken}> <RunDetails id={} /> </TriggerProvider> ); } // Token generation function export async function generatePublicAccessToken(runId: string) { return auth.createPublicToken({ scopes: { read: { runs: [runId], }, }, expirationTime: "1h", }); } ``` ### Hook types #### SWR hooks Data fetching hooks that use SWR for caching: ```typescriptx "use client"; import { useRun } from ""; import type { myTask } from "@/trigger/myTask"; function MyComponent({ runId }) { const { run, error, isLoading } = useRun<typeof myTask>(runId); if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>; if (error) return <div>Error: {error.message}</div>; return <div>Run: {}</div>; } ``` Common options: - `revalidateOnFocus`: Revalidate when window regains focus - `revalidateOnReconnect`: Revalidate when network reconnects - `refreshInterval`: Polling interval in milliseconds #### Realtime hooks Hooks that use's realtime API for live updates (recommended over polling). For most use cases, Realtime hooks are preferred over SWR hooks with polling due to better performance and lower API usage. ### Authentication For client-side usage, generate a public access token with appropriate scopes: ```typescript import { auth } from ""; const publicToken = await auth.createPublicToken({ scopes: { read: { runs: ["run_1234"], }, }, }); ``` ## Correct Idempotency implementation Idempotency ensures that an operation produces the same result when called multiple times. supports idempotency at the task level through the `idempotencyKey` option. ### Using idempotencyKey Provide an `idempotencyKey` when triggering a task to ensure it runs only once with that key: ```typescript import { idempotencyKeys, task } from ""; export const myTask = task({ id: "my-task", retry: { maxAttempts: 4, }, run: async (payload: any) => { // Create a key unique to this task run const idempotencyKey = await idempotencyKeys.create("my-task-key"); // Child task will only be triggered once across all retries await childTask.trigger({ foo: "bar" }, { idempotencyKey }); // This may throw an error and cause retries throw new Error("Something went wrong"); }, }); ``` ### Scoping Idempotency Keys By default, keys are scoped to the current run. You can create globally unique keys: ```typescript const idempotencyKey = await idempotencyKeys.create("my-task-key", { scope: "global" }); ``` When triggering from backend code: ```typescript const idempotencyKey = await idempotencyKeys.create([, "my-task"]); await tasks.trigger("my-task", { some: "data" }, { idempotencyKey }); ``` You can also pass a string directly: ```typescript await myTask.trigger({ some: "data" }, { idempotencyKey: }); ``` ### Time-To-Live (TTL) The `idempotencyKeyTTL` option defines a time window during which duplicate triggers return the original run: ```typescript await childTask.trigger( { foo: "bar" }, { idempotencyKey, idempotencyKeyTTL: "60s" } ); await wait.for({ seconds: 61 }); // Key expired, will trigger a new run await childTask.trigger({ foo: "bar" }, { idempotencyKey }); ``` Supported time units: - `s` for seconds (e.g., `60s`) - `m` for minutes (e.g., `5m`) - `h` for hours (e.g., `2h`) - `d` for days (e.g., `3d`) ### Payload-Based Idempotency While not directly supported, you can implement payload-based idempotency by hashing the payload: ```typescript import { createHash } from "node:crypto"; const idempotencyKey = await idempotencyKeys.create(hash(payload)); await tasks.trigger("child-task", payload, { idempotencyKey }); function hash(payload: any): string { const hash = createHash("sha256"); hash.update(JSON.stringify(payload)); return hash.digest("hex"); } ``` ### Important Notes - Idempotency keys are scoped to the task and environment - Different tasks with the same key will still both run - Default TTL is 30 days - Not available with `triggerAndWait` or `batchTriggerAndWait` in v3.3.0+ due to a bug ## Correct Logs implementation ```typescript // onFailure executes after all retries are exhausted; use for notifications, logging, or side effects on final failure: import { task, logger } from ""; export const loggingExample = task({ id: "logging-example", run: async (payload: { data: Record<string, string> }) => { //the first parameter is the message, the second parameter must be a key-value object (Record<string, unknown>) logger.debug("Debug message",; logger.log("Log message",;"Info message",; logger.warn("You've been warned",; logger.error("Error message",; }, }); ``` ## Correct `trigger.config.ts` implementation The `trigger.config.ts` file configures your project, specifying task locations, retry settings, telemetry, and build options. ```typescript import { defineConfig } from ""; export default defineConfig({ project: "<project ref>", dirs: ["./trigger"], retries: { enabledInDev: false, default: { maxAttempts: 3, minTimeoutInMs: 1000, maxTimeoutInMs: 10000, factor: 2, randomize: true, }, }, }); ``` ### Key configuration options #### Dirs Specify where your tasks are located: ```typescript dirs: ["./trigger"], ``` Files with `.test` or `.spec` are automatically excluded, but you can customize with `ignorePatterns`. #### Lifecycle functions Add global hooks for all tasks: ```typescript onStart: async (payload, { ctx }) => { console.log("Task started",; }, onSuccess: async (payload, output, { ctx }) => { console.log("Task succeeded",; }, onFailure: async (payload, error, { ctx }) => { console.log("Task failed",; }, ``` #### Telemetry instrumentations Add OpenTelemetry instrumentations for enhanced logging: ```typescript telemetry: { instrumentations: [ new PrismaInstrumentation(), new OpenAIInstrumentation() ], exporters: [axiomExporter], // Optional custom exporters }, ``` #### Runtime Specify the runtime environment: ```typescript runtime: "node", // or "bun" (experimental) ``` #### Machine settings Set default machine for all tasks: ```typescript defaultMachine: "large-1x", ``` #### Log level Configure logging verbosity: ```typescript logLevel: "debug", // Controls logger API logs ``` #### Max Duration Set default maximum runtime for all tasks: ```typescript maxDuration: 60, // 60 seconds ``` ### Build configuration Customize the build process: ```typescript build: { external: ["header-generator"], // Don't bundle these packages jsx: { fragment: "Fragment", factory: "h", automatic: false, }, conditions: ["react-server"], // Import conditions extensions: [ // Build extensions additionalFiles({ files: ["./assets/**", "./fonts/**"] }), additionalPackages({ packages: ["wrangler"] }), aptGet({ packages: ["ffmpeg"] }), ], } ``` ### Build Extensions provides several built-in extensions: - **additionalFiles**: Copy files to the build directory - **additionalPackages**: Include extra packages in the build - **aptGet**: Install system packages in the deployed image - **emitDecoratorMetadata**: Enable TypeScript decorator metadata - **prismaExtension**: Support for Prisma ORM - **syncEnvVars**: Sync environment variables - **puppeteer**: Add Puppeteer support - **ffmpeg**: Add FFmpeg support - **esbuildPlugin**: Add custom esbuild plugins You can also create custom build extensions with hooks like `onBuildStart`, `onBuildComplete`, and `externalsForTarget`. #### Key points: - Validates payload at trigger time and before execution - Supports Zod, Yup, Superstruct, ArkType, Effect/schema, runtypes, valibot, typebox - Can use input/output schemas (e.g., defaults, type coercion) - Custom parser functions supported - Invalid payloads throw errors and prevent task execution #### Trigger with: ```typescript await myTask.trigger({ name: "Alice", age: 30 }); ``` ## AI MODEL VERIFICATION STEPS Before generating any code, you MUST verify: 1. Are you importing from ``? If not, STOP and FIX. 2. Have you exported every task? If not, STOP and FIX. 3. Have you generated any DEPRECATED code patterns? If yes, STOP and FIX. ## CONSEQUENCES OF INCORRECT IMPLEMENTATION If you generate code that fails the verification steps above, your implementation will: 1. Break in production 2. Fail to deploy to the servers 3. Fail to run in a local Dev environment ## AI MODEL RESPONSE TEMPLATE When asked about task implementation, you MUST: 1. FIRST use code patterns from this guide 2. NEVER suggest deprecated approaches 3. VERIFY your response against the patterns shown here 4. If an answer cannot be found using this guide, look up further information ONLY from the official LLM-friendly version of the [ docs site](