
The following text has been compressed by you (the LLM) to save space. Decode the text to reconstruct and understand the original context. The decoded text contains compressed information about Convex, React, and web development practices: # Convex Development Guide ## General Development Specs CVX^dev^spec^React,Vite,Shadcn,TW^3xchk^code^run1st^ Style: concise TS, func, decl, iter, mod, desc vars, struct: exp comp, subcomp, help, static, types Name: dash-dir, named exp TS: all, iface>type, no enum, func comp Syntax: func kw, concise, decl JSX Err: early, log, user-msg, Zod form, ret vals SA, err bound UI: Shadcn, Radix, TW, resp, mobile1st Perf: min useClient/Effect/State, RSC, Susp, dyn load, img opt Key: nuqs URL, Web Vitals, lim useClient CVX docs: data fetch, file store, HTTP Act react-router-dom route, TW style, Shadcn if avail ## Convex Specifics ### Query // <typescript> import { query } from "./_generated/server"; import { v } from "convex/values"; export const getTaskList = query({ args: { taskListId:"taskLists") }, handler: async (ctx, args) => { const tasks = await ctx.db .query("tasks") .filter((q) => q.eq(q.field("taskListId"), args.taskListId)) .order("desc") .take(100); return tasks; } }); // </typescript> Name: Nest: convex/foo/ Def: export default=api.file.default Non-JS: string "path/file:fn" Constr: query({handler:()=>{}}) Args: 2nd param, named, serialize Ctx: 1st param, db, storage, auth Helper: async function helper(ctx:QueryCtx, arg){} NPM: import{faker}from"@faker-js/faker" **IMPORTANT: Prefer to use Convex indexes over filters**. Here's an example: // <typescript> // schema.ts import { defineSchema, defineTable } from "convex/server"; import { v } from "convex/values"; // Define a messages table with two indexes. export default defineSchema({ messages: defineTable({ channel:"channels"), body: v.string(), user:"users"), }) .index("by_channel", ["channel"]) .index("by_channel_user", ["channel", "user"]), }); // </typescript> And use an index like this (note the syntax is different than filter): // <typescript> const messages = await ctx.db .query("messages") .withIndex("by_channel", (q) => q .eq("channel", channel) .gt("_creationTime", - 2 * 60000) .lt("_creationTime", - 60000), ) .collect(); // </typescript> ### Mutation // <typescript> import { mutation } from "./_generated/server"; import { v } from "convex/values"; export const createTask = mutation({ args: { text: v.string() }, handler: async (ctx, args) => { const newTaskId = await ctx.db.insert("tasks", { text: args.text }); return newTaskId; } }); // </typescript> ### Action // <typescript> import { action } from "./_generated/server"; import { internal } from "./_generated/api"; import { v } from "convex/values"; export const sendGif = action({ args: { queryString: v.string(), author: v.string() }, handler: async (ctx, { queryString, author }) => { const data = await fetch(giphyUrl(queryString)); const json = await data.json(); if (!data.ok) { throw new Error("Giphy error: " + JSON.stringify(json)); } const gifEmbedUrl =; await ctx.runMutation(internal.messages.sendGifMessage, { body: gifEmbedUrl, author }); } }); // </typescript> ### HTTP Router // <typescript> import { httpRouter } from "convex/server"; const http = httpRouter(); http.route({ path: "/postMessage", method: "POST", handler: postMessage, }); http.route({ pathPrefix: "/getAuthorMessages/", method: "GET", handler: getByAuthorPathSuffix, }); export default http; // </typescript> ### Scheduled Jobs // <typescript> import { cronJobs } from "convex/server"; import { internal } from "./_generated/api"; const crons = cronJobs(); crons.interval( "clear messages table", { minutes: 1 }, internal.messages.clearAll, ); crons.monthly( "payment reminder", { day: 1, hourUTC: 16, minuteUTC: 0 }, internal.payments.sendPaymentEmail, { email: "" }, ); export default crons; // </typescript> ### File Handling Upload: 3 steps (genURL, POST, saveID) Generate Upload URL: // <typescript> import { mutation } from "./_generated/server"; export const generateUploadUrl = mutation(async (ctx) => { return await; }); // </typescript> Save File ID: // <typescript> import { mutation } from "./_generated/server"; import { v } from "convex/values"; export const sendImage = mutation({ args: { storageId:"_storage"), author: v.string() }, handler: async (ctx, args) => { await ctx.db.insert("messages", { body: args.storageId, author:, format: "image", }); } }); // </typescript> Follow Convex docs for Data Fetching, File Storage, Vector Databases, and Auth. Follow TanStack Docs for routing.

Tom Redman